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"I love working at Working Within because I get to create a future that I couldn't see just a few years ago, a solution for community leaders who just cannot find the capital they're looking for."

Read My Articles

How Going Backwards Can Propel You Forward

Exploring how reflection and learning from the past drives progress.

Nov 18 2024


Dec 12 2024


Mastering the Game of Business: Strategies for Success and Growth

Strategies for achieving success in business and overcoming challenges.


Top 5 Year-End Goals to Achieve Success and Growth

Essential year-end goals to enhance personal and professional development.”

Nov 20 2024

Charlyn Moss

Charlyn is the Founder & CEO of Working Within, a community-based fractional fundraising services firm dedicated to helping non-profit leaders grow and diversify their revenue. With a strong background in the C-Suite and management consulting, Charlyn has previously served as Chief of Staff and Analyst at leading consulting firms. One of her most notable projects involved overseeing the strategy refresh for a client’s $300 million portfolio of national K-12 education investments.


Charlyn’s accomplishments extend beyond consulting. She was named an Inno Under 25 honoree by the Denver Business Journal, recognizing her as one of Colorado’s top entrepreneurs and innovators under 25. She studied Finance, with minors in Legal Studies and the Business of Social Impact at Washington University's Olin Business School. During her academic journey, she was awarded the prestigious Nelson Mandela Award, Frankie Muse Freeman Award, and Dean’s Special Award for her work with Teaching Racial Understanding Through Honesty (TRUTH).

Founder & CEO


Outside of work, Charlyn enjoys kickboxing, weight lifting, running, hiking, and has a love for fashion. 

Fun Fact:

Growing up as a military brat, she spent 10 years in Europe, which shaped her ability to connect with people from all backgrounds.




Community Outreach

Project Management


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Charlyn Moss

Founder & CEO

Working Within Retreat_121623_142-Edit.jpg

"I love working at Working Within because I get to create a future that I couldn't see just a few years ago, a solution for community leaders who just cannot find the capital they're looking for."

Charlyn is the Founder & CEO of Working Within, a community consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations align purpose and profit through strategic insights and expert analysis. With a strong background in the C-Suite and management consulting, Charlyn has previously served as Chief of Staff and Analyst at leading consulting firms. One of her most notable projects was overseeing a strategy refresh for a client’s $300 million portfolio in national K-12 education investments.


Charlyn’s accomplishments extend beyond consulting. She was named an Inno Under 25 honoree by the Denver Business Journal, recognizing her as one of Colorado’s top entrepreneurs and innovators under 25. She studied Finance, with minors in Legal Studies and the Business of Social Impact. During her academic journey, she was awarded the prestigious Nelson Mandela Award, Frankie Muse Freeman Award, and Dean’s Special Award for her work with Teaching Racial Understanding Through Honesty (TRUTH).


Outside of work, Charlyn enjoys kickboxing, weight lifting, running, hiking, and has a love for fashion. 




Community Outreach

Project Management


Read My Articles

How Going Backwards Can Propel You Forward
Exploring how reflection and learning from the past drives progress.
Monitoring the Game of Business:  Strategies for Success and Growth
Strategies for achieving success in business and overcoming challenges.
Top 5 Year-End Goals to Achieve Success and Growth
Essential year-end goals to enhance personal and professional development.
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